Robert Niklewicz, Class of 79 representative, shared "We felt the teachers we had provided us with a great education and this became an easy decision to create a fund that would provide an everlasting way to recognize and honor teachers of the district doing great work in educating students and making a lasting impact on their lives. "
The endowment fund is open to anyone who would like to contribute.
"Our class goal is to raise $10,000 and we are closing in on that with about $6,500 raised to date " added Niklewicz
“It would be wonderful to far exceed that goal and provide a very substantial amount annually to the teachers receiving the award.”
L. Jo Welter, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools, shared "We are delighted to be working with Mr. Niklewicz on this very important project. Our teachers are extraordinary and deserve to be recognized for their hard work and commitment to our students"
Individuals who wish to make a tax-deducible donation to the Excellence in Education Endowment can write their checks payable to “Ambridge Area School District” and in the memo section note that it is for the “Excellence in Education Endowment”. The district business manager will deposit and transfer the funds into the correct account. Please make your check out to: Ambridge Area School District “Excellence in Education Endowment” to be placed in MEMO section of the check.
Send it to: Ambridge Area School District Attn: Douglas McCausland Business Office 901 Duss Avenue Ambridge, PA 15003