The two of the biggest projects to be completed this year are Kennedy Drive and Church Street. Kennedy is estimated to cost $110,000 and Church is estimated to cost $120,000.
Council President Michael Mikulich said the borough applied for a Community Development Block Grant last year to complete both roads and was denied because of the higher income bracket on Kennedy Drive.
The borough could reapply for only Church Street this year, but officials weren’t sure the grant funding would be approved for the project and don’t want to put off paving Church Street.
Instead, Engineer Frank Lemon said borough officials can improve their chances by submitting a CDBG grant application for a different road. The borough plans to apply for separate grant to reconstruct Hazel Avenue from Beaver to the borough line. The estimated cost is $111,290.
The road improvement program is being funded by a $918,000 loan from the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Bank and is contingent upon qualifying, affordable bids.
The following roads are on the list:
1. Kennedy Drive, $111,000
2. Church Street, $120,000
3. Fourth Street between Route 65 and Park Road, at the Do It Best intersection only, $3,000
4. Fifth Street intersection with Elm Street, $13,450
5. Ninth Street from Merchant Street to Maplewood Avenue, $30,280
6. 11th Street from Maplewood to the railroad tracks, $111,375
7. 11th Street, the railroad tracks to Duss Avenue, $107,840
8. 14th Street from Duss to Beaver, $61,975
9. Duss Avenue from Fourth to Merchant Street, $74,085
10. Olive Lane, $63,500
11. Pine Street, $34,265
12. Rice Avenue from Eighth Street to the borough line, $55,550
13. Walter Panek Park from the entrance gate to the dump area gate, $65,100
The road project also earmarks $66,260 for storm sewer improvements to repair 16 catch basins throughout town.
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