Ambridge Council awarded one bid Tuesday and rejected another received for the 2015 road program.
Council awarded D’Andrea Plumbing and Construction, Inc. an $86,261 contract to repair about a dozen inlets, or catch basins, throughout the borough as specified in the road program. The public works department is repairing five, which helped lower the cost.
Borough Engineer Frank Lemon said PennDOT and the city of Pittsburgh awarded bids right about the time Ambridge began seeking them, which he believes led to fewer bids.
As for the one submission they did receive, Lemon said the bidder was considered "unresponsive," didn’t use the right bid forms and presented costs much higher than anticipated.
Plans are to re-advertise the project and schedule a bid opening for Sept. 1.
Ambridge has a Pennsylvania Infrastruture Bank loan to repair roads and sewer inlets in town.
Paving work is now expected to be completed in 2016.