• $77,400 – from Pennsylvania DEP - This grant will enable the Borough to purchase a wood chipper, truck mounted collection box for the collection of leaves and wood waste and pays 50% of the costs of new dump truck.
• $178,994 – from Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission (SPC) / PENNDOT “SINC-UP” program for upgrades to traffic signals (Merchant at 3rd St., 4th St., 6th St., 8th St., and Maplewood Avenue at 8th Street.) Work to be conducted in 2017.
• $1,632 – PENNDOT “Green Light Go Program” – update traffic signal at 8th Street and Duss Avenue to LED Technologies.
• $705 –Pennsylvania DEP – 2014 Recycling Performance Grant
• $26,089 – from Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation for equipment. The awarded equipment will outfit multiple emergency response vehicles, allowing firefighters to provide safe and efficient services to the community. Specific equipment purchased includes a Thermal Imaging Camera, Gas Detection Meter, Ladder Belts, Extrication and Ventilation Saws, and hand-tools.
“Ambridge Borough is grateful for the support of the Pennsylvania DEP, SPC, PENNDOT, and Firehouse Subs for funding our projects and investing in our community. The purchase of the wood chipper and new collection box will allow for a more efficient yard debris collection program and maintenance of the Borough’s shade trees. The support of PENNDOT and the SPC will make significant improvements to many signalized intersections in Ambridge; thus improving public safety and traffic flow management. Funding from Firehouse Subs has purchased much needed firefighting and extrication equipment that was previously beyond our means to purchase. These grant awards are a significant benefit to the Borough’s taxpayers

The awarded grant for the wood chipper and leaf collection equipment was part of the DEP Municipal Recycling Program. This grant is authorized under Section 902 of the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (Act 101 of July 1988). All grants are allocated from the Recycling Fund authorized under Act 101. Section 902 grants are available to all municipalities. Projects eligible for grant funding are those that divert the following recyclable materials from municipal solid waste: source separated recyclable materials (clear glass, colored glass, aluminum, steel and bimetallic cans, high-grade office paper, newsprint, corrugated paper, plastics and other marketable grades of paper), source separated food scraps and leaf waste.
In 2005, Firehouse Subs created the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation with the mission of providing funding, life-saving equipment, and educational opportunities to fire-responders and public safety organizations. Through the non-profit 501 (c)(3), Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation has given more than $18 million to hometown heroes in 45 states and Puerto Rico, including $230,743 in Pennsylvania.
Press Release Contact
Joe Kauer, Borough Manager