McCoy said he is suggesting that the borough draw up an ordinance that would prohibit the sale of paraphernalia such as bongs within a certain vicinity of a school building.
In Robinson Township, parents were upset to learn about a head shop that opened near an elementary school. According to KDKA-TV, parents were not pleased that Glass Gone Wow opened its location right across the street from J.W. Burkett Elementary School in Robinson. The shop has signs posted indicating its products are for tobacco-use only, but parents have asked Robinson commissioners for future zoning restrictions on such businesses.
Cindy Orlowski, code enforcement officer, said tobacco shops are a permitted use in Ambridge, which doesn't have an ordinance in place restricting them.
McCoy said he'd like to see the borough develop an ordinance before a situation arises here similar to Robinson.
“You may say we’re not faced with that yet, but we will fairly shortly, I guarantee it,” McCoy said.
Ambridge police Chief James Mann said there are a few operating businesses in Ambridge that currently sell pipes, bongs and similar tobacco-use items that critics say are used to ingest marijuana and other illegal substances.
Should such businesses be restricted from operating near schools?