There's a new code enforcement officer in town.
Ambridge Council unanimously approved the hiring of DeAunta'e Clark to fill the borough's vacant position.

Clark is an Ambridge High School graduate with a criminal justice background.
Cindy Orlowski left the job in May after doing the code enforcement duties since 2003. Code enforcement handles matters such as zoning and building permits, high grass, demolition and property maintenance.
The borough is also on course to fill the vacant borough manager position.
Michael Foreman, a local government policy specialist with the Department of Community and Economic Development, gave an update on the selection process to choose a new borough manager.
Council requested technical assistance from DCED for a neutral, impartial merit-based process.
"I have vetted the resumes that were sent to me," Foreman explained.
He said he reduced information from the resumes and put them on a matrix, which was shared with council Tuesday night so the board can decide who to call in for an interview.
"At this particular time, we do not know who the person is," said Council President Michael Mikulich.
Typically, Foreman said the protocol is to hold two rounds of interviews to give council a chance to examine each of the qualified candidates.
Once the second round of interviews are over, a background check is run on the candidates and ultimately a negotiation of employment terms and conditions are worked out between the top candidate.
Foreman said the process allows council to remain objective, neutral and to stick to the facts rather than being distracted by a name.
"The process will take a few more months and hopefully it will be a successful outcome," Foreman said.
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