External financial support is provided by several regional and state professional organizations, including the Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Association of Teachers of Mathematics of Philadelphia and Vicinity, Laurel Highlands Mathematics Alliance, Mathematics Council of Western Pennsylvania, and the Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh Chapters of the American Statistical Association (ASA).
A statistics poster is a display containing two or more related graphics that summarize a set of data, look at the data from different points of view, and answer specific questions about the data.
The 474 posters submitted included 123 in the K-3 grade category, 209 from grades 4-6, 44 from grades 7-9, and 98 from grades 10-12. These 474 posters were submitted from a total of 778 students! Judging for the state competition was held on Saturday, March 17, 2018.
Winning posters were then submitted to the National Statistics Poster Competition, which is coordinated by the American Statistical Association. Congratulations to all the students who created and submitted the winning and honorable mention posters, and to the teachers who guided the students.
Grades 7-9 Winning Posters 2018
Third Place
Marissa Saturley and Emma Diakiwsky
Mind Taste
Ambridge Junior High School
Instructor: Don Ayers