“In order to have the police department effectively get people with fines for going over that speed limit, we need an ordinance,” said Mikulich, adding that there haven’t been problems with tagging people for speeding but the borough wants to be proactive.
Councilwoman Tina Iorfido-Miller asked if there would be any way to lower the speed limit to 15 mph on problem streets, and suggested Henrici Street as one of them.
“I know down on Henrici Street in Ambridge there’s 150 kids and just not too long ago a kid got hit by a car.”
“If you live doen there you know to go really slow,” she said.
Councilwoman Janet Calderelli suggested Duss Avenue, which she said is “like a race way.” Council could designate speeds from First to Eighth streets.
The public safety committee is looking into PennDOT’s recommendations before moving forward.