According to borough personal, The lights along Merchant Street in the Historic District was a big project to upgrade each light pole to accommodate that. Each light pole was updated with a new fixture for LED street lighting and an electric outlet then was fabricated to each pole for the new Christmas Lights. There are 42 poles that have been updated this year for that.
Ambridge Connection shared comments from the Merchants concerning the lack of decorations from 8th to 12th Street. Borough officials said to add more will have to take some form of fundraiser or partnership with the support of the Borough Council.
Mayor Richie D'Ambrosio answered the call for decoration and committed to donate his 2017 Mayoral Salary of $3,000 back to the Borough for purchasing the Christmas decorations for the 24 poles between 8th and 12th Street.
"We hope to have the purchases made in early 2017, and the mid-block area of Merchant Street will be decorated for next Christmas, made possible by the Mayor's generosity and support." shared Joe Kauer, Ambridge Borough Manager.
Donation of Christmas Trees
D'Ambrosio teamed up with the Ambridge Police to purchase real Christmas trees to give to several families in Ambridge. Officer Jason Sang delivered each tree to the local families homes.