• Responding to numerous parent concerns about the Trump Rally in the Field House
• The District will have a shortened school day for all students tomorrow Monday, October 10, 2016
• The High School and Junior High School will dismiss at 11:00 AM
• The Elementary Schools will dismiss at 12:00 noon
• Parents using their own judgment may believe it is better to keep their children home from school on Monday
• District Officials have been monitoring the planning with Law Enforcement since last week and met on Friday with Secret Service and local law enforcement and were satisfied with the planning to date – Again, today Sunday District Officials have observed planning at the Field House are satisfied with the level of national, local and district preparations.
• Keep in mind that when Mr. Trump makes his remarks at the Field House which is a separate building away from the high school building all of the district school buildings will be closed including the high school
• No student will be required to attend or encouraged to attend this rally, that decision will be up to those students and their parents
Ambridge Area School District Parents and Residents:
On Monday, October 10, 2016, the Ambridge Area High School Field House (located on the corner of Duss Avenue and 8th Street) will be the site of a campaign stop sponsored by Donald Trump for President, Incorporated. The event begins at 3:30 PM.
Ambridge Area Senior High students will be dismissed at 2:00 PM to alleviate traffic in the vicinity. All students at the junior high school and each of the elementary schools will be dismissed at their regularly scheduled times.
As with other candidates seeking political office in the past the Donald Trump for President, Incorporated Campaign Committee has followed district policy in renting the field house for the campaign stop. This rental does not signify that the Ambridge Area School District endorses Donald Trump as a candidate. District policy does not permit us to discriminate against renting our facilities based on our personal political views.