At the November borough meeting, council accepted DeAunte Clark’s resignation with regret.
Ambridge is looking to restructure the code enforcement role by having all code issues go through the fire department. The part-time firefighter will do the nuisance complaints. The full-time officer will continue doing the building inspections .
“In all reality, we double the efficiency of the fire department by having two firemen on duty during daylight hours while the volunteers are at work,” Kauer said.
The borough budgeted to have 48 hours a week of code enforcement. This will now add code enforcement on Saturdays and a firefighter in the building instead of on call as well.
Applications for Firefighter / Code Enforcement Officer for the Borough of Ambridge can be obtained from the Borough Administration Office, 600 11th Street, Ambridge, PA 15003, between 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday.
Completed applications must be received in the borough administration office no later than noon on Tuesday, Dec. 13. All previous applications and eligibility lists are void.
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Click here for application requirements
Click here for application