The commencement ceremony took place Thursday evening in the gymnasium, where 172 graduating seniors received their high school diplomas.
"The world that awaits you presents many different and difficult challenges," she said. "I ask you to look upon them as opportunities to improve the quality of life for all of us."
Joshua Jones, senior class president, offered words of wisdom to fellow classmates that "success" isn't about possessions, but instead about making a difference.
"In my short life, I've discovered that to be successful we must live beyond ourselves, think beyond ourselves and lead beyond ourselves," Jones said.
In addressing the graduating seniors, Principal Barry King offered advice to set goals, celebrate graduation -- though not too long -- and avoid trying to please everyone.
"As many of you are aware, commencement means beginning," King said. "Tonight marks the beginning of the next stage of your life."
Mary Jo Kehoe, school board president, gave the seniors 10 rules to remember, and asked that they always remember the last one.
"Rule No. 10, no matter what, you will always be loved. You don't have to test this one, just carry it around in your back pocket and know that no matter what, you can always come home."
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