Big thanks goes out to the owners of Perfect 10 Gymnastics owners Heather and Melissa Yeck for donating their facility and staff for a summer Pop up Event that will not be soon forgotten. The kids got to travel by bus to the Harmony Twp. gym and participate in activities American Ninja type courses; climbing, jumping with some even flipping.
Ambridge Rotary Club past presidents and former teachers Kathy Page and Carol Milo helped supervised the activities with the teenage helpers. The Yeck sisters provided popsicles and water to the kids mid-afternoon before the team games and a obstacle race that ended with them landing in a deep form pit.
Ambridge Shop N Save operations manager Brittany Safran and her staff stopped over to see the kids and donate cupcakes. Ending the day with cupcakes, the kids drank water donated by Borough of Ambridge Council President, Mike Mikulich. Thank you Duss Avenue Cafe for donating ice for the entire summer to keep the 18 cases of water donated by Mikulich cold for the summer.
Prizes for good behavior were donated by Damian Powell and John Gant from D & T Barber Styling.
Coming up:
Thursday and Friday - Free Football Camp for girls and boys at Ambridge High School field from 9 am to 3 pm with lunch provided. Sign up the day of or call 724 601 8179 Homeboys Foundation
Also, Pop up at Ambridge Library from 1 to 3 pm with Laughlin Memorial library painting rocks and activity by Beaver County Pathways.
Ambridge Youth Pop Up 2018: Trip to Perfect 10 Gymnastics
Want to get involved and stay connected? Text ' @mycyk ' to the number 81010
About the pop up events:
Organized and Founded by Felicia Mycyk, the pop up events are to connect the area youth with the leaders in the community. The events are set in the middle of the afternoon for the kids to get involved with each other outside of electronics and within the community. Volunteers are asked to donate time, talent, or gifts to the weekly summer programs. The program entering its third year has had over 200 youth participate and over 40 community leaders and volunteers donate their energy to the program. As of 2018, the program ran and lead by Felicia Mycyk is a project under the Ambridge Rotary Club and is funded by the generous community