“After all the fun, We remind the children who may have had a behavior issue they can choose to be better every day and praying over the entire group until we see them again,” shared Service Group Leader Felicia Mycyk. “The goal is to connect with children in the way they understand love by listening, spending time, and having fun. It all starts with the youth.”
Learn more at www.ambridgeconnection.com/BTW
First Missionary Baptist Church is leading a Community Prayer Walk, allowing area churches to meet up and pray with people all over the town. The next meet up dates are July 15, 29 and August 12 and 26.
Rev. Bryan K Crawl shared, “this will be the second year of the prayer walk, which was started with the hopes of bathing this area in prayer and building relationships between all believers of Jesus in the Ambridge community.”
Learn more by calling 724.674.1133.
New Hope Community Church meets every Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m. to Adopt-a- Block. Adopt a Block has a group of volunteers who meet divide into teams to knock on the same doors every Saturday morning. They choose blocks that could use some love and service and build relationships with people and find out want their needs are.
“We do not pay bills or give anyone money as part of Adopt-A- Block. However we will try to meet any reasonable need” Shared Pastor Rick Thornhill. “We want to show them the love of Christ by building relationships with them and finding ways to meet their needs. We want them to understand that God has a purpose and a plan for their lives…that they can be different.”
Learn more at http://www.4newhope.org/
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