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Below is a list of Churches who filled out Ambridge Connection's request for information.
Church Name
- Address
- Phone
- CoVid-19 Service Changes
- Online Links
- Upcoming Holiday Service ( include dates and links)
- Message to the Community
Allison Park Church: Ohio River Campus
- 239 Merchant Street, Ambridge PA 15003
- 412-275-0347
- All our services are currently online only - Saturday nights at 6:00, and Sunday mornings at 9:30 and 11:15.
- Good Friday - April 10th and Easter Weekend, April 11-12th - ONLINE only at
- We are in the community available to help where needed. We have grocery shoppers willing to shop and deliver groceries to people in our community, and our church has also applied to become a distributor for emergency food needs that can also be delivered to your home.
- 386 Shafer Rd., Coraopolis, PA 15108
- 4122644582
- Online only
- -
- Good Friday, 7:00 pm - Easter Sunday, 6:00 am, 10:40 am -,
- We are here for you - if you have a need or you are high risk and would like someone to go to the store for you, we will do our best to help out.
- 725 Glenwood Ave, Ambridge
- 724-266-6565
- Live-streaming Mass from our locations. Mass streams every day at 9 AM from our Franklin Park location. Tabernacles are visible at each church. We are helping to feed those in need by ways of our Food Pantry and offering bagged dinners in conjunction with the YMCA.
- Please see website for most current information for Holy Week Schedule. As of right now we will have various streaming opportunities for Holy Week.
- We are here to help! If you want to help or need help, please contact our parish office 724-266-6565 or visit our website at
- 2210 Reis Run Rd, Pittsburgh PA 15237
- (801) 240-1000
- Canceled, until further notice.
- - No Easter Service, as of now.
- We have an amazing opportunity to hear from a Prophet of God on the earth today! You can hear him this weekend (April 4th & 5th) at!
- 420 Maplewood Avenue
- 724.266.4412
- We continue to worship Sunday mornings at 10 a.m., and at other times announced on our website, but remotely, using a Zoom platform. To obtain a link, please email [email protected].
- Holy Week services: Palm Sunday, April 5, 10 a.m.; Holy Thursday, April 9, 7 p.m.; Good Friday, April 10, 7 p.m.; Easter Sunday, April 12, 10 a.m. For information how to connect with any of these, email [email protected].
- All of us are feeling fear, anxiety and grief in this season. Fear of this deadly disease; anxiety because none of us knows what is going to happen in the world around us as this disease unfolds, and grief over the sense of security that we have all lost.
The Hope the Church proclaims today in the midst of crisis is the same Hope and security in Jesus Christ that we have proclaimed for generations: that "God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, so that whoever believes in him should not perish eternally but have everlasting life."
If you're struggling or hurting today, or if you have needs, the churches are here to help you all that we can So if you need practical help today, reach out and ask someone. And reach out to a friend or neighbor who's hurting if you can help them. Sometimes helping someone else in need can be a way to see our own troubles in more perspective. Above all, turn to God for the help we can't give. Remember, God is not surprised by this plague, and he is no less able to save us now than ever. He hears your cry, and he is faithful.
- 1419 Beaver Road Sewickley, PA
- 724-251-9092 (retired pastor Daniel Knox)
- Lord's Day services are suspended as the congregation is encouraged to engage in other church services being live-streamed.; Wednesday evening prayer meeting and Bible study will be on Zoom beginning April 15 at 7:00 P.M. Contact pastor Knox for information.
- [email protected]
- None planned
- Let us seek first the kingdom of our heavenly Father, trusting Him for all other things needful in the sure and certain hope of Christ's resurrection.
- 592 Beaver Road
- 724 266 0890
- Currently online Sundays with additional online devotionals and bible studies
-, facebook New Hope Community Church 4YOU
- Christ in passover April 8th, Good Friday 4/10 7:00 Sunday 10:30
- We are doing our best to serve and be safe. We are taking things day by day.
- 995 Melrose ave Ambridge PA 15003
- 7323621072
- Services temporarily Canceled
- Not determined yet
- Prayers
- 1320 Church Street
- 724-266-5618
- Liturgy with sermon will be posted on our website and Facebook page Sundays and Wednesdays.
- and on Facebook @ StJohnsLutheranAmbridge
- Check our Facebook page for updates as times/locations may change.
- Your local churches are here for you in this tough time. If you or anyone you know has needs they can't meet (spiritual, emotional, or physical), we want to know so that we can share the love of Jesus with our neighbors and help our community. We love our town and we are praying for you.
- 313 Ninth St. Ambridge (corner of Ninth & Melrose
- 724 266-8330
- All Services closed to the public until further notice.
- Facebook: St. Vladimir Orthodox Church @ambridgeorthodox
- Orthodox Pascha (Easter) is April 19th this year
- Stay safe, stay healthy. God bless. "Fear is useless, what is needed is Faith" Mk 5:36
- 311 Eleventh Street, Ambridge, PA 15003
- 724-266-3838
- We are streaming our Morning Prayer Monday through Friday at 8:30 AM
- Trinity School for Ministry will be closed during the Easter holiday
- Please join us as we stream our Morning Prayer service at 8:30 AM Monday through Friday. Our campus, however, is closed to visitors.
- 823 Maplewood Ave. Ambridge, PA15003
- 7242661900 (church)
- Now using online Zoom (downloadable app)
or Zoom call in for audio only -
Zoom online (app) ID#997995418
Zoom call in for audio only 1-929-205-6099
Use ID#997995418 - April 5 / April 12/ April 19/ April 26/ May 3
Sundays at 9:30AM
Zoom (video)app using Id#997995418
for audio only call 1-929-205-6099
using ID#997995418 - We welcome you to our Palm Sunday and Easter services and also to the Sunday services following Holy Week. We hope that you join us using this new way of worshiping together.
- Creatview and Ecomomy community Center
- (412) 532-6358
- Regular Services Canceled
- N/A
- We are doing prayer walks on Tuesday night's at 5 in Crestview and Economy. We would love to pray with you. You can also communicate needs or prayer requests through our Facebook page.