Each third-grade classroom in the three elementary schools held a spelling competition then sent their top two spellers per class to the district-wide spelling bee held Wednesday at State Street Elementary.
To prepare for the competition, the Ambridge Rotary donated personal dictionaries to each student in third grade.
A total of 16 students advanced to the district-wide spelling bee and all spellers who participated received a medal. The top tow spellers received trophies along with metals.
Congratulations to Economy Elementary's Norah Marchionda on winning the spelling bee and Highland Elementary's Jacob Kozlik who placed second.
Marchionda now will compete in the Rotary 7300 District Governor regional spelling bee held at Seven Springs Mountain Resort in June.

Mrs. Antonline's class
Bailey Braund
Addison Creese
Mrs. Delgroix's class
Kyla Capone
Caylin Fedora
Mrs. Francis' class
Lila Gerle
Tyler White
Mrs. Frost's class
Jacob Kozlik
Sa'Miyah Thompkins
Mrs. Hoback's class
Alyssa Fodor
Da' Shawn Jones
Mrs. Jacquel's class
Asad Mahmood
Cooper Scheidemantle
Mrs. Martin's class
Norah Marchionda
Halle Pruszenski
Mrs. Peters' class
Aaliyah Budrick
Jake Massimiani