A 1995 Ambridge graduate, Sain, 36, was diagnosed with a brain tumor and learned about five weeks ago that all treatment options were exhausted.
Her cousin, Michele Peck Dolby, said she created the "Dancing for Amy" Facebook page because she wanted to bring a smile to Sain's face.
An outpouring of support soon followed, with more than 1,000 people now joining the page in less than two weeks. Numerous images have been posted that show people dancing, mostly in the rain.
"Amy definitely does appreciate all of the things that have been posted on the page so far," said Dolby, also an Ambridge grad.
Sain of Cranberry, is the mother of two children, and attended State Street Elementary growing up.
"She is just the embodiment of life, laughter and joy," Dolby said.
Dolby and Sain grew up more like sisters. They were maids of honor in each other's weddings and have been there for one another. Dolby said Sain always lived with an element of getting out, enjoying each moment and making the best of the circumstances you've been given. She felt she owed it to Sain to help others get through this, and the Facebook page is making everyone smile.
"It's become so much bigger than I ever thought and it's amazing," she said.
Click here to check out the page. Snap a photo and post your own.
A fundraiser is also planned for the Sain family. Eat at Anthony's Pizza in Cranberry on June 8 and 25 percent of your check will go to Amy's family.
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