When/Where: 10 a.m. to noon Saturday March 28, at Old Economy Village.
Children under 10 can hunt for treat-filled eggs in the beautiful historic garden at Old Economy. Enjoy a light snack, visit with the Easter Bunny and make fun crafts. There will also be live bunnies. Baskets will be provided.
Price: $5 per person and reservations are required by March 23. Contact Elaine Voss at 724-266-4500 ext. 101 or [email protected] .
2. Baden Easter Egg Hunt
When/Where: 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Saturday March 28, at the Baden Borough Building.
Children 13 and under can hunt for Easter eggs in the morning starting at 10 a.m. Children ages 13 to 16 are welcome to bring a flashlight at 7 p.m. to hunt glow-in-the-dark eggs. Parents must be present.
Price: Free
3. Easter Egg Hunt
When/Where: 9:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Sunday March 29, at the Allison Park Church in Ambridge, 424 Duss Ave.
Children can experience a safe and fun egg hunt with more than $20 in gift certificates, prizes and candy.
Price: Free
4. Breakfast with the Easter Bunny and Easter Egg Hunt
When/Where: 10 a.m. Saturday March 28, at St. John the Baptist Parish in Baden.
Bring a basket or container to collect your eggs; and bring your camera to take pictures with the Easter Bunny. Pancake and sausage breakfast will be served. Reservations are required. Submit your name, phone number, number of adults, number of children and ages to the parish office at St. John's or Good Samaritan to reserve a spot.
Price: $5 per person (maximum $20 per family).
5. EGGstravaganza
When/Where: 1:30 p.m. Sunday, March 22, at The Moonbeam Jar in Ambridge, 812 Merchant Street.
Create six Vintage fabric eggs using burlap, muslin and vintage fabrics. Several techniques will be explored during the workshop. Reserve a spot by calling (412) 508-7485.
Price: $20