What would happen if there was no seasonal burning in the Township?
What would you do with all the brush, branches, leaves, and vegetation you have accumulated in your yard if you could not burn?

Please mark Thursday, July 23, 2015 on your calendars. This will be Harmony Township’s first CLEAN UP DAY for yard waste.
Why are we doing this?
Every year the PA Department of Environmental Protection, DEP, awards millions of dollars in recycling grants to municipalities and counties for developing and implementing recycling programs. Because our municipality has a population under 5,000 folks, we are not mandated by Act 101 to conduct curbside recycling. Act 101 is the Pennsylvania Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act of 1988.
Since we believe Recycling Makes a Difference, we introduced a mixed use paper recycling and corrugated cardboard recycling program May 1. The recycling bins are next to the Harmony Township VFD @ 2400 Beaver Road.
Eliminating seasonal burning is the next step. It will allow us to apply for a grant to acquire equipment to expand our recycling program. Our first application will request funding for a wood chipper.
We plan to offer additional types of recycling such as glass, plastics and metals next year.