From games, face painting and crafts to information about summer camps and children's sports, the event provided a plethora of information on youth activities available around town.
"The event was put together well. The concept was great, but a different weekend would have brought out more families in attendance," Felicia Mycyk shared. "All families who were in attendance were very happy with the information provided along with the activities at each table."
Participating groups included Ambridge Borough Recreation, Economy Lanes, Ambridge Little Bridgers Football, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Help Them Play, All Nations Dance, The Prevention Network, Old Economy Village, Best Friends, Inc., CCBC Summer Camps, Sewicklely Valley YMCA , and Robert Morris University.
Vendors included Origami Owl, In a Pickle, Pampered Chef, Alan Freed Photography, Thirty-one, Premier and Nerium International.
This free event is presented by Help Them Play. Sponsors are Ambridge Connection, Ambridge Rotary, Ambridge Do It Best, Ambridge Borough, Keystone 1609 and D&T Barbershop. Click here for more information.
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