“Good habits start young,” said CEO Florinda Zbrzezny. “We want to help teach kids how important it is to save money and try their hardest in school. By rewarding them for their efforts, our E is for Excellent Report Card Rewards Program accomplishes both these goals.”
To participate in the program, students must first have their own savings account with the credit union. After each grading period, a copy of their report card can be submitted by mail or to a nearby New Alliance Federal Credit Union branch office. Deposit $1 for each A in the qualifying subject areas into the student's account and the credit union will match each $1, up to a maximum of 5 per grading period. Qualifying subject areas include English, Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, History, and Foreign Language.
For more information about New Alliance FCU’s E is for Excellent Report Card Rewards Program, contact the credit union at (724) 266-7675, visit them online at newalliancefcu.com or on Facebook at facebook.com/newalliancefcu.
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