House Resolution 96 commemorates the charter that King Charles II of England signed on March 4, 1681 granting William Penn a tract of land, which would eventually become known as Pennsylvania.
"Charter Day is more than a simple celebration of the founding of Pennsylvania," Matzie, D-Ambridge, said in a statement. "It also commemorates the establishment of many American traditions we value to this day. As a commissioner for the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, I feel it is important to promote this rich history that connects us to one another and celebrates those who have come before."
Matzie's resolution also honors volunteers and other residents, such as those at Old Economy Village, who keep history alive by working with the PHMC, the Pennsylvania State Archives, the State Historical Records Advisory Board, the 23 other state historic sites and museums, and the numerous other historical organizations within the commonwealth.
"As William Penn once said, 'Knowledge is the treasure of a wise man.' The individuals and organizations dedicated to ensuring future generations have access to this knowledge clearly understand that, and I am proud to be able to recognize them in this manner," Matzie said.
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