Mindhunter, a Netflix original series produced by David Fincher and Charlize Theron, is back in Ambridge again to film part of season 2, the crew for the show has been inside of 519 merchant street getting it prepared .
Ambridge Police Officers will be stationed at closed intersections to keep traffic moving and to assist motorists. According to Joe Kauer, Borough of Ambridge manager, the Staff from Mindhunters has confirmed that affected businesses in this closed block will be compensated for the inconvenience.
Want to be an Extra ?
Extras Background Casting is now happening:
Paid Background Actors: send contact information along with two recent photos (front facing and side profile) along with height, weight, clothing and shoe sizes via email to [email protected] (Let them know you saw this on Ambridge Connection)
Period cars (1960 - 1980) Owners are paid. Send photos and car specs via email. Running or bad shape to [email protected] (Let them know you saw this on Ambridge Connection)