This weekend the entire Ambridge Lil Bridgers organization will enter into the second week of playoffs .

If a team loses at any point during the three weeks of playoffs games they are done for the season.
"We are proud to have all 4 divisions of our organization still in the BCYFL playoffs." said Kenny Carlisle, ALB board member. "It is a great accomplish thus far."
The championship game will be held during on Saturday, October 25th.
Games this October 11th and 12 th :
- Twerps, age 5-7, Ambridge at 10 am on Sunday
- Termites, ages 8-9, Aliquippa at noon on Saturday
- Mitey Mites, ages 10 - 11, Ambridge at 2 on Sunday
- Midgets ages, 12 -13, Ambridge at 4 on Sunday
Home games are play at Ambridge High School stadium.
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