“Our budget is tight. I’ve been saying that for two years now,” said Business Manager Minnie Baker. “We do our best to make sure we stay within our budgeted amounts but there are always things that happen.”
The board previously voted not to exceed the Act 1 tax ceiling set by the state this year. Under the 2.6 percent inflationary index set by the state, Ambridge can only raise property taxes by 1.922 mills.
Baker said the district will use $1,481,311 from the reserves to balance the budget.
Directors and board members from the Ambridge and Baden libraries also appeared at the meet and discuss meeting to ensure funding remains in the budget for both community resources.
Baker said the budget does include $7,250 for Laughlin Memorial Library in Ambridge and $6,200 for Baden Memorial Library, same as last year.
The board will also vote on an agreement with Precision Education, an affiliate of the Delta-T Group, to provide substitute teacher and para professional services for the 2015-16 school year at a cost of $114.75 for full day and $57.38 for half day.
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