Public safety is on the mind of most of our readers because of the suspect who shot a patrolman early Wednesday in Harmony Township has not been apprehended.
"Public safety is the top priority of the Economy Police Department. As always we will have adequate police presence on patrol in every

"The Fire-Police and Fire Department will also be patrolling the Borough as they typically do for Halloween."
Ambridge, Baden, and Harmony Police Chief shared similar comments as O’Brien. Baden Police Chief David Christner said that police and fire personnel will be out throughout the evening. Christner also encouraged parents to escort their children and be mindful of people in their neighborhood.
Ambridge Fire Chief Dave Drewnowski shared that the Firemen will be out riding through town with the fire trucks.
The incident that occurred on Wednesday is rare according to Harmony Township Police Chief Robert Sivewright. Several patrolmen will be out tonight in Harmony township. Siverwright urged for citizens to keep aware of their surrounding including traffic.
State police and extra patrols will also be in the area according to Ambridge Police Chief James Mann.
" We would not jeopardize the safety of the kids" added Mann.