“We needed a larger chapel/meeting space and we had been praying that God would help us to discern whether or not to build a brand new building” Very Rev. Dr. Henry L. Thompson, III (Laurie), Dean and President of Trinity School for Ministry shared in a press release.
The recently purchased building will allow Trinity to move forward into the future as its residential student population continues to grow and its partnerships reach even further globally.
Trinity now has the ability to:
• Welcome local churches and neighborhood groups who need a larger space for events;
• Offer a setting for Christian conferences and education;
• Create a better setting in which to train Trinity’s students to preach;
• Provide additional space for Trinity’s students to relax and socialize with each other
• Film worship services so that we may send the recordings to students in other countries;
• Reach out and serve the wider needs of the Ambridge community.
Trinity is working on a number of design ideas to provide space for worship, events, student gatherings, and training.
Photo by Felicia Mycyk/Ambridge Connection