- One Person for Municipal Authority for a 5 Year Term
- Two Persons for Planning Commission for a 4 Year Term
- Two Persons for the Historical Review Board for a 5 Year Terms
- One Person for Water Authority for a 5 Year Term
- One Person for Landlord, Tenant Appeals for a 1 Year Term
Anyone applying for a position on any of the above-mentioned Boards or Commissions is asked to submit an application to the Borough of Ambridge, 600 11th Street.
All applications are due by December 5, 2016. Applications are available at the Borough Building or www.AmbridgeBoro.org
Written by Joseph Kauer, Borough Manager
Click here for application: http://www.ambridgeboro.org/vertical/sites/%7B00DC4E27-C97F-4CBE-BC9D-7D8801E8C52E%7D/uploads/SKMBT_C28014021411450.pdf