Joey- Linn Ulrich, regional vice president, and Annette Romain, chief operations officer, led the town hall meeting Thursday, March 27 at the borough building.
Town hall meetings provide volunteers with the opportunity to receive updates and give input on council policies and governing decisions made by the board of directors.
GSWPA hosts the meetings to allow feedback and discussions in order to ensure consistent, quality service and delivery of the program to members of Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania.
Ulrich likened the meeting to a State of the Union for Girl Scouts because it fills members in on what's new and upcoming, and there are celebrations.
Rebekah Baich received a pin for all the hard work she does on the Gold Award committee. The award is the highest honor a Girl Scout can achieve.
Paula Cribbs, resource manager for Beaver County, said "our volunteers need have opportunities closer and more available to them. That is why they brought it to Baden."
Did you know that GSWPA in Beaver County services 1,150 girls in 90 troops? Click here to learn more about the Girl Scouts of Western Pennsylvania.
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