Glenn Angus, commissioners chairman, said the township is moving to a system based strictly on consumption of water instead of a flat rate.
Sewer service rates were increased last year about 18 percent, or $6.33 more per month.
Grant Award
Harmony has received grant approval for the purchase of Essex Avenue playground equipment. The $9,889 matching funds grant was awarded from GameTime.
Clean Up Day
Clean Up Day for yard waste is Monday, October 26.
Budget Review
Harmony Commissioners plan to meet at 6 p.m. Nov. 3 to review the preliminary budget for 2016.
Job Opening
Resumes are being accepted for the part-time position of code enforcement officer/zoning officer available January 1, 2016. Resumes can be mailed to Janet Miklos, 2501 Woodland Rd, Ambridge, PA 15003 or dropped off at the office.